ch. 17 quiz-- True or False:

1. Ray's actual competence and performance in dealing with life's challenges indicate his functional age.

2. Improved nutrition, medical treatment, and sanitation all help account for the dramatic increase in the average life expectancy in the 20th century

3. The protective value of the extra Y chromosome is believed to be responsible for the male advantage in average life expectancy.

4. Quality of life in old age can be predicted as estimating average healthy life expectancy.

5. Around age 85, a life expectancy crossover occurs in that member of low-SES ethnic minority groups live longer than members of the white majority.

6 Naomi, age 75, need help with bathing, dressing, and getting into bed: she has difficulty performing activities of daily living.

7. Robust centenarians tend to have a Type A personality style.

8. A majority of elders attribute little to no importance to sex.

9. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia.

10. Implicit memory shows the smallest decline as people age.