ch. 19 quiz-- True or False:

1. Most people die in hospitals.

2. When cancer metastasizes it disappears.

3. In the days and hours before death, the person moves and communicates less.

4. According to your text, the greatest dignity in death is in the integrity of the life that preceds it.

5. The stages of death and dying of Kubler-Ross are best viewed as coping stratgies that anyone may call on in the face of threat.

6. In the U.S., most people say they would prefer to die at home.

7. Among Westeners, a sense of life's meaning is an important factor in limiting death anxiety.

8. Poorly adjusted individuals are usuallly more distressed during the dying process.

9. Most Americans say they hope to die at home.

10. According to disengagement theory, mutural withdrawal between the individual and society takes place in anticipation of death.