Psy 350: Psychotic Disorders




paranoid type: delusions & hallucinations; no disorganization speech, affect disturbance, or catatonic behavior

disorganized type: disorganized speech & behavior, flat or inappropriate affect; no catatonic behavior

catatonic type: catalepsy, excessive motor activity, negativism, posturing or stereotyped movements, echolalia or echopraxia

undifferentiated type: do not meet criteria for paranoid, disorganized or catatonic

residual type: absence of prominent positive symptoms; continued disturbance indicated by negative symptoms or attenuated positive symptoms



social isolation

substance abuse

depression, anxiety, hopelessness


smoking related health disorders

Schizophreniform Disorder 1-6 months

Brief Psychotic Disorder 1 day-1 month

Schizoaffective Disorder

other psychotic mood disorders

Major Depressive Disorder, Severe With Psychotic Features (Psychotic Depression)

Bipolar Disorder I, Severe With Psychotic Features (full Manic Episode)

Delusional Disorder


subtypes based on predominant delusional theme:

Erotomanic Type: another person (usually of high status/position) is in love with you
Grandiose Type: inflated sense of worth, status, power
Jealous Type: your sexual partner is unfaithful
Persecutory Type: they're out to get you
Somatic Type: you have a physical defect or medical problem
Mixed Type: more than one delusional concern without one predominant theme
Unspecified Type

Shared Psychotic Disorder

Folie a Deux

Psychotic Disorder NOS

"Organic Psychoses"

Psychotic Disorder Due to General Medical Condition

Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder