Journals for Psy 421

You have been asked to obtained a steno pad or set up an electronic log for use in the class for a number of in class and between class assignments.

The steno pad/log will be used, in part, as a journal to record your reactions to different questions and aspects of the class. It is your personal thoughts, feelings, and efforts to understand the issues and material from class that are important. Some of the material in the journal will be of a personal nature. Since this is a class requirement and since I will be looking at it occasionally, we will have this understanding--you may lie in your journal. Feel free to make up, omit, confabulate, or distort any personal information to you would find embarrassing, distressful to discuss, or for any reason do not wish to share. You can be truthful at some points and not at others--only you will know. You can alter your family, borrow your former roommate's family, or fantasize an entirely new family. In general you might wish to do this little and selectively--many of the assignments may more productive if you are using genuine information--but it is entirely up to you. I will not know and have no need to know: the purpose of the journals is served in the process, not the content.

If you have any concerns regarding this aspect of the class, please see me.

Dr. House