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  PSY340: Statistics for the Social Sciences


Homework 3

Complete the following problems from Chapter 4:

    12, 15, 16

    Fourth question) Additionally answer the following questions based on the data contained in height.sav. Note: This is an SPSS datafile. You'll need to use SPSS to do these questions (so don't try to open the file on a computer that doesn't have SPSS on it. It won't work.)

    Compute the following regression models predicting HEIGHT:

      (a) predict height with average height of parents
      (b) predict height with average calcium intake
      (c) predict height with weight
      (d) predict height with average height of parents and weight
      (e) predict height with average height of parents and average calcium intake
      (f) predict height with all three variables (avg height of parents, avg calium, weight)

    Based on the SPSS output (you don't need to print it out and include it), report the r2 for each model. Which model do you think is the "best?" Explain why.

Due: Wed. Sept. 21

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