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  PSY340: Statistics for the Social Sciences

Lab 3: Describing distributions with graphs


Part I: give some datasets and have them make frequency distribution table and some graphs

    a) Below are the data from students asked how many hours they had studied the previous weekend:
    Make a frequency distribution table and a histogram for these data. Describe the shape of the distribution.

    b) Below are the number of minutes it took each of a group of 10-year-olds to do a series of abstract puzzles:
    Make a grouped frequency distribution table and a histogram for these data. Describe the shape of the distribution.

    c) Give an example of something having these distributional shapes: 1) bimodal, 2) approximately rectangular, and 3) positively skewed

Part II: using the majors.sav datafile have them make several graphs in SPSS
    a) Make histograms (under the GRAPHS menu) of math and verbal sat scores. Describe the shape of the distributions
    b) Make a simple bar graph of average high school math scores (use the 'bars represent other summary function' button) by sex (enter in the category axis)
    c) Make a simple bar graph using different columns as data (use summaries of separate variables), with average high school math, science, and english grades
    d) Make a clustered bar graph of college gpa (other summary function), with sex (clusters) and major (category)
    e) Make a scatterplot of math and verbal sat scores


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