Courses & Syllabi

Course Finder

See Course Finder to find courses offered by the University.

See to access the Student Services Center. Log in with your ULID and password.

Course Syllabi

See the College of Arts and Sciences Syllabi Database to find a syllabus.

Course Catalog

University Catalog provides access to the online Graduate Catalog, including archived versions. To review the entire Graduate Catalog, click on the link for the correct academic year. Graduate programs are also listed with separate links for specific departments or schools. Graduation requirements are based on the Graduate Catalog for the year of admission.

Course Override

Psychology graduate students should contact the course instructor or their graduate coordinator for approval to enroll in a psychology course. If approval is granted, students should forward the email to the department's Graduate Programs Office at and request an override for the course. An override is required each semester if students want to enroll in PSY 490 (clinical-counseling capstone project), PSY 499 (Master's Thesis), or PSY 599 (Dissertation). Psychology graduate students should contact the Graduate Programs Office at for an override.

Non-psychology graduate students should go to . Log in and click on Academics; scroll down to Course Permit (Override) Request and click on the link. Complete the online form and submit it. The form is sent to the Graduate Programs Office in the Department of Psychology.